March 21, 2011

Head Woes and a Give-away!

If you are a girl who has ever experienced any type of time crunch, you have probably grabbed a headband at some point.
To perk up a ponytail. 
To hide the fact that you have gone three many days without washing your hair. 
And because they are super, super cute.
If, like moi, you are simply a slave to fashion, you may have found yourself angrily ripping your headband off at the end of the day and asking yourself, "For the love... could someone please invent a headband that doesn't crush my brain??!!"

Because it was raining cats and dogs this morning, I for sure didn't do my hair, ergo, a headband was needed. I was telling Cruz about my headbandy angst on the way home from work. He nodded approvingly and stuck his fingers in his mouth (as is his wont these days). 
I tell you all this for a reason.
When I walked in the door, this beauty was waiting for me!

And this one too!

And that brings us to our Very. First. While You Were Napping Giveaway!!

These headbands come from WallflowersInc, which just happens to be owned by one of the most fashiony people I know... my best friend Andrea.
The winner of our giveaway will receive the accessory of his or her choice from Wallflowers!!! Doesn't that just make you happy inside?

Here's how to enter:
1. Go to WallflowersInc and look at all the cute products she has to offer. Then come back to this blog and leave a comment letting me know which accessory you would like if you win. Something like, "Hi Becca! I would lurve to wear the cute triple bud hair clip!"
2. Gain an extra entry by becoming a follower of this blog or by "liking" this post on Facebook
3. I will pick the winner randomly on Friday morning, so be sure to get your entries in by then

Good luck and get ready to look awesome!


  1. What a fun idea Becca! I love the triple bud in a row headband. Does she make it in a dark blue?

  2. I do! And if I don't already have the color I can get it :) thanks!!

  3. wow so hard to choose- i too am an avid headband wearer, judah bathes more often than i do :(
    i love both the buds in a row and triple flower headbands, but i think i would go with buds in a row!

    oh and chalk me up for following and liking you on fb!

  4. OH! I LOVE the buds in a row headband! Andrea, these are all SUPER cute!! :)

  5. I am a fan of the Buds-in-a-Row, too.

  6. For some reason I thought I had already commented on this, but I obviously was mistaken. Good thing I checked again, or I would have missed out on your first giveaway. Hopefully, I'm still in time. I love the "buds in a row" headband, it's SO cute. I can't wait to find out who wins!


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