February 16, 2011

What He Wore on Wednesday

We bought a new brand of diapers {courtesy of Amazon Mom}. All in hopes of less blow-outs, etc. Well, we made it through a Wednesday with just one outfit!

Well played, Huggies.

I put him in another outfit after his bath just for kicks.

Cruz fans may recognize this onesie from early days. I loved it so much that I bought it in the 6 month size. 
Hipster dinos driving cars! You would do the same.


Here, Cruz is about ten seconds from rolling over. We have a seriously mobile kid...


  1. Cruz seems to be enjoying life! Cute, cute, cute! Love, Auntie Beth

  2. Wednesday has become one of my favorite days. Did I see almost enough hair for a comb-over?


  3. I just love his striped footie pajamas! Cruz is so fashionable! :)

  4. He is definitely enjoying life! It's hard to imagine a happier kiddo.

    CG- aren't those jammies awesome? I seriously want some in my size. :)


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