December 5, 2010

Advent When It's Advent

We sat together in a dark church, as bundled up as we could get away with in southern California. Baby in between us. Singing Christmas carols. Yes, it's finally Advent.

...a people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light...

Here he is, my darling boy, the culmination of a nine-month personal Advent. The time of watching and waiting is over. Sitting in church, my heart felt like it would burst with thankfulness. In my pregnancy there were months of darkness. Months of "Lord, help me get through this day, this hour." In the midst of one of the most humbling and trying seasons of my life, I was blessed to journey with a dear friend who was also experiencing her own Advent. Together we commiserated over the trying nature of Advent, grumbled about the darkness, but also looked forward to the celebration.

Cruz, I hope you experience the celebration of Christmas! I can't wait to raise you as a boy and a young man who knows the true meaning of Christmas, who understands the value of going through the darkness to get to the light.  I want to show you that in life there will be times of trial, of sadness, of frustration, but that the reward of walking through that darkness is light and joy and celebration. Celebrating you every day of your life has been such a sweet journey over these last few weeks. Each day you astound me, and I feel awe that God picked us to be your parents.

And my sweet friend. Your Advent is coming to an end. Soon we'll be counting weeks and days instead of months. And you better believe that we're ready to celebrate.

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