February 1, 2012

What He Wore On Wednesday

the theme of the day seems to be speed
first i caught him reading

hanna andersen jammies are back at costco!
then he caught me sneaking up 

"Oh, is that the camera I see?"
"I'll run over and grab it."
"Close-ups are the best."
someone taught cruz how to say "outside," so after breakfast he banged on the back door chanting "outside! outside!" until i relented. 

here we are, all bundled up and ready to play.

cruz was excited to see the flowers in our yard, so we took an impromptu walk around the cul de sac so that he could see our sweet neighbor's garden.

oh, did you want to know what i wore during this walk?

bringing. sexy. back. 

after lunch we were back outside, this time playing in the dirt.

please make sure that you see the giant drool stain on his very cute truck shirt.

new outfit time!

whenever he spends the afternoon with tovi, cruz ends up in an athletic outfit lifting weight. 

happy wednesday!


  1. just came across your blog on bloglovin - you have a beautiful son! My little girl loves to run up to the camera as well... I think they must somehow know what we're doing??

    1. Kate, you are so sweet! Thanks for commenting. :) I don't know why my electronics seem so much cooler than his toys, but he knows!

  2. bringing. sexy. back. lol! You have a handsome little man! Would love for you to come link up to Trendy Tots at http://areal-lifehousewife.blogspot.com/2012/02/what-she-wore-wednesday-trendy-tots-6.html


comments make my day. xo.

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