February 4, 2012

thoughts at the end of the week

+ my darling boy demands to be outside every waking moment. just for some family context, when i was a child, my parents bribed me to go outside with a sticker chart that earned me more books. books that i read inside. 

+ i have a problem that pinterest has been unable to solve: i put my pantry items in cute glass canisters and mason jars. it looks great! but then what do i do with the small remaining bit of flour at the bottom of the bag? anyone?

+ i dare you to read you are special outloud to someone you love without choking up. dare. you. 

+ i've been thinking a lot about love, which is fairly understandable considering that valentine's day is right around the corner. when cruz was dedicated we choose this as his verse:

When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

as i think about God's love and my response to it, i'm beginning to suspect that i am simply wading in the shallows, ignorant of its depths. 

+ speaking of love, this is love: tovi got up with cruz this morning, let me sleep for another hour, then woke me up with an omelet made just the way i like it-- with cinnamon sugar.  

+ aside from our political disagreements, my friend meredith is right about everything . two things that she's been right about lately: downton abbey and sleeping with your hair in a bun to prolong your blowout. 

+picture time!


  1. Ha! Thanks for thinking I'm right about most things :)

    1. And we'll probably even find something to agree about in politics someday. :)

  2. Why so unhappy in the last picture, little Cruz? You really do have it very good, I'm sure of it! Love you all, Aunt Beth

  3. I also think Downtown Abby is wonderful, and I also think Meredith is right about everything, but happen not to agree about politics. So I want to hear more about this whole bun/blowout thing....

    1. I sleep with a bun straight on top of my head (sex-y) and it stops my hair from getting frizzy or sweaty while I sleep, so now I can go three days without shampooing. Love it. :)

  4. I have been hearing a lot about Downtown Abby - I guess I should probably check it out! & I actually just tried sleeping with my hair in a bun last night to get the whole "no heat curls" thing going on, but my hair's too short sooo it didn't really work for me :( {is that even what you're referring to? lol}

    1. "No heat curls" are the biggest scam on the internet! All I ended up with was a head full of fluff.


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