November 30, 2011

One Thing He Wore On Wednesday

darlings, it was just one of those wednesdays.
like, the really, really good kind.

the kind that starts with a walk along the beach with a new, dear friend and her bouncing baby boy.
while the sun beat down on us and homeless men made awkward propositions in our direction, we talked about being women, finding our identity in motherhood, marrying young... dreamy.

before we met up, i snapped a few pictures of cruz in one of his adorable birthday outfits (thank you judy and anna-grace!). 

after our walk, i went to work for a few hours, then rushed off to a fun, fun playdate with other MOPS mamas, and rushed home again to attend a reception at the bacara.
(the awards ceremony was in the very room where tovi and i first held hands-- how's that for some family history?)
accomplishment of the night: i wore high heels for the first time since colette's wedding!
and once again, the parentclick team was the last to leave the party. love. it. 

truth be told, i have no idea of what jams cruz is wearing right now because tovi put him to bed while i schmoozed and ate chocolate cake. (another guest: you ate the whole piece! me: um... yes). 

it was one of those days that made me want to say yes! to everything that came across my plate and feel so filled up and blessed by the life we've chosen.
this difficult, financially precarious life is filled with love and laughter and precious friends and family.
and sometimes chocolate cake and high heels in fancy ballrooms. 
yes yes yes. 

November 25, 2011

What He Wore on {Thanksgiving}

Cruz must have mixed up his holidays.
Thanksgiving, unlike Christmas, does not come any faster if you get up early.
All getting up early gets you is a Mama feeling slightly less than thankful. 

Do you see how dark it is? It is before 6am. 

So thankful for this turkey butt.

And for these goofballs.

We spent Thanksgiving with both my parents and Tovi's parents! What a treat. Cruz will be bored beyond belief when next week comes and it's just me and him bumming around the house.

Hope your Thanksgiving was filled with more love, laughter, and pie than you could stand.

November 20, 2011

weekend rules

when two parents work from home, weekends are a little funny.
it's easy to make them seem like regular days-- some work, some play. 
but it's important to make room for special moments and for keeping the weekends set apart.
we're developing a nice little weekend routine around here.

+ Seven weekend words that are the key to a long, happy marriage: You sleep in. I'll get the baby.
So. Hot. 

+ While Tovi works with some clients, Cruz and I make waffles. Well, I make them, he eats them. Or throws them on the floor. (Whaaat? Whose boy is this?)

+ On this particular weekend there may have been some excessive Twilighting while Tovi was gone. Like watching Breaking Dawn and Twilight, reading New Moon, and looking up pictures online. I am thirteen. 

+ Play! We play so so much. I love taking Cruz and Abby to the park and letting them loose! They both play hard and I'm still picking wood chips out of their toes/paws.

we also did a lot of drooling

+ We put the babe to bed, settle into the couch with Ben + Jerry's and watch movies. This weekend: The Adjustment Bureau (pretty interesting) and Twister (love me a bad disaster movies).

what are your weekend rules?

November 18, 2011

simple friday

a simple life.
i don't know about you, but i have a love-hate relationship with those words.
there are about fifty blog posts in my reader about simple living that are anything but.
dear ones, if the blog post is about making homemade yogurt, i guarantee you it will not simplify my life.

but simple living, natural parenting, and homemaking are all popular subjects to talk, write, and think about and i think for good reason.
i think we crave connection, physical touch, a sense of accomplishment.
finding joy and contentment in the small moments of life:
our hands caked with dough and flour from kneading bread 
mason jars lined up on the shelves and filled with brown sugar for baking
piles of fresh white diapers
baby legs spilling out of a onesie in the morning

i could get used to this kind of simple life.

November 14, 2011

today while you napped

here's what i did this morning while you were napping:

  • caught up on the duggars. here's {my opinion} as of today: you go, girl. i may not want to spend my entire life pregnant (personal choice!), but mama duggar, you seem to be doing just fine. your kids are well-behaved, cheerful, independent, and manage to find a plethora of long skirts in a mini-skirt era. you're obviously doing something right and who am i to judge that? as for people who say it's unfair to the older kids? let me tell you, being bummed that you have to babysit your younger siblings is a first world problem, sister. 
  • bought my ticket for the breaking dawn premiere on thursday. yup, thaaaat's right. now, in real life i am wholeheartedly on team jacob. to me this is the same as being on team pacey and team ac slater. (right? anyone else feel me on this?) i like 'em tall, dark, handsome, not overly romantic, killer sense of humor (hm, sounds familiar...). but when it comes to twilight, i am firmly team edward. i'm also team peeta. also team inconsistent. 
  • wait! isn't that an interesting male media phenomena? blonde guy = perfection, unattainable, romantic. brunette guy = boy next door, buddy-you-never-pictured-yourself-with. oh hollywood. will you never learn?
  • shower + curled my hair. huge achievement over anything i did last week. for the record, i am not wearing yoga pants for the first time since november 6th.
  • caught up on some emails
  • watched the hunger games trailer like five times. can't. wait. 
  • did a load of laundry. we have a new washer/dryer and i would make out with it. besides actually cleaning our clothes, another huge improvement over the old is that instead of a deafening beep at the end of the cycle, our new washer plays a little song. this is awesome AND always makes me think my phone is ringing. 
  • and then you woke up! happy monday baby.

November 10, 2011

best friends, lauren conrad, and being sick

we have been holed up in our home sick sick sick for the last few days.
but today we are not sick
or at least less sick.
so it's time to do stuff! 

like disinfect every. single. thing. in the house.

or try new hairstyles.
yes, much better.

when i was a new mama, my best friend andrea came to spend the week with us.
it was magical. exactly what i needed.
(many, many snacks were involved)

cruz was five or six weeks old and i was still incredibly fragile, emotionally, and so nervous to parent in front of someone. 
like, what if he was really fussy or pooped a lot or some other normal baby stuff??

(side note: i felt very, very anxious during my pregnancy and first few months of cruz's life. that is a post for another time, but i would like to give new-mama-me a hug and then just tell her to chill out)

but best friends are best friends for a reason and andrea had the most brilliant idea ever to watch four seasons straight of the hills while we stuffed our faces with snacks for three days. right? i know. i know! keeper.

here's something else andrea and i used to do. 
we would watch the hills religiously even though we lived far apart.
we'd each be on our laptops, g-chatting hilarious snarky thoughts about the show.
(this was before, twitter, y'all! we would have killed it on twitter)

so all that to say that i have a soft spot for lauren conrad, who has gotten substantially cooler since leaving the show.
when i needed something to brighten up my post-sick day, i turned to her new website, The Beauty Department, and tried out her blow out guide.
i have super high maintenance hair and no other blow-out how-to has ever tamed these frizzy locks or gotten rid of the volume on its own. i always have to use my flat iron, a mound of hair products, etc, etc.
so thank you, lauren!

i already feel better about my day. even if i'm still spending it in my sweats. real clothes tomorrow!

November 6, 2011

you were sick today

you were sick today.
not terribly sick, but sick enough to skip church and spend the day chewing cheerios and watching a real housewives of atlanta marathon with me. 
you've been throwing up in the mornings and running a low grade fever, but of course you're still my sunshine baby, laughing and playing, even with no appetite. 

you went to bed at seven.
i turned off your light, shut your door quietly and crept downstairs.
after your daddy and i ate dinner, we heard you crying. 

i took your temperature again; your fever was back.
i pulled you out of the crib, where you were sitting and crying.
we read a book, you sucked on your pacifier
we rocked, i sang 
you flipped over to lay on my chest
you tucked your head into my shoulder 
i could feel your eyelashes flutter softly against my cheek.

it has been so long since you slept like this, laying on me so trustingly and relaxed.

you are no longer a newborn, limbs tucked up into a ball as you sleep on my chest
sleep is no longer your second nature and you never fall asleep in my arms these days.
you prefer to sleep alone, but tonight you need me, want me
toddler legs and arms splayed out
a small blueberry stain on your cheek that i missed after dinner
sweaty hair sticking to your fevered forehead

we rock and rock and rock
long after i am convinced you are asleep,
i lay you back down in your bed because you are a big boy
but here's this:

if you need me, i will hold you all night long. 

November 2, 2011

What He Wore On Wednesday

Good morning, Wednesday!

We started off our morning with a striped round of peekaboo.

It was kind of cold today (ie: mid-60s) so Cruz wore a sweatshirt that I've been dying to show you.
But first, nap time!
The way my kid sleeps absolutely cracks me up. 
But he was pretty grumpy when I woke up him,
so we headed to the backyard for more outdoors time.

Watching the airplanes...

I just love this vintage lions sweatshirt. Such a prepster.

After a meal, I just strip him down and let him loose!

So sleepy in his baseball jammies

love love love to you all!

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