May 3, 2012

sometimes you go to the beach

sometimes when you're having a frustrating season and then you talk about it on the internet, which of course makes you feel vulnerable and raw and out there, a friend will say unto you, let us go to the house of the Lord which is of course the beach.

so you'll meet there with hot drinks and the babies will steal each other's shovels and chase after puppies and shove simply unbelievable amounts of sand into their mouths. you'll shake your heads together and say all that organic food! that we prepare! obviously sand is much tastier!

the waves will crash and sand will be in between your toes and you'll remember that this is what God made you for. for the worship that happens when you love His creation. for the joy that happens when you do His will. for the peace that comes when you don't check your email for an hour or two.

your friend will look at you and say something wise like taking your kid to the beach and sitting and talking is good parenting. she will be so right.


  1. I love and appreciate your vulnerability, and your cute kiddo. And while I don't get to see your everyday life, I'd venture to guess you are a pretty damn good mama.

  2. Thanks for sharing the hard stuff, Becca. And thanks for the reminder that in the midst of the hard stuff it is good and it is necessary to give ourselves a peaceful place, a hot drink, and an understanding friend.


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