December 20, 2011

family date night

our homegroup is on christmas break, so we found ourselves with an open tuesday night!
the last few days have been tough ones. there are several people i love dearly who are in sad and impossible situations... my heart just aches and aches. 
all i want to do is hold my family so so tight and never let go. 
a family date night was exactly what i needed. 

step one was to put on christmas jammies

we stopped to admire our tree ("chee!")

loaded up the car with donuts and hot chocolate.

and drove around admiring griswold-style christmas decorations. 

at first, i thought the house with the inflatable winter carousel would win. 
maybe the one with the reindeer strung between the palm trees and house.
but then we saw an inspiring home with at least five life-size (and larger) santas, a santa coming out of the chimney, a full nativity...
tovi: is that an american flag in lights on the roof?
we had a winner. 

i hope you're doing something tonight with someone you love. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, I was waiting for the picture of the epic Christmas-lit house at the end! It's okay, if you tell me what part of town it's in, Nick and I will drive around looking for it :)


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