January 5, 2014


on new year's day, after watching the parade and a hasty lunch, tovi and i threw the kids and the dog into the car and we drove up to the bay area. we're here to visit family and tovi will be scouting a few soccer games before i head back home with the kids and he spends the week at a conference in sacramento. whew! just like 2013, the new year is already promising to be a busy one for our family.

we thought we had expertly timed our road trip for naptime, ensuring us a couple of hours of grown-up talk in the car. well, the best laid plans etc, and obviously the kids didn't sleep. but they were fairly quiet, and we got to talk and dream and plan a little bit of our year anyhow.

i've loved setting goals over the past year. it's kept me on track and growing, as a person and as a mom. especially in these years of raising young kids, i think it's easy for some things to stay the same; easy to get caught up in survival mode. there aren't very many natural rhythms for pause and reflection, and new year's has been a welcome time for that.

so a few goals and resolutions for the coming year:

+ get up before the kids get up. this had been my regular practice before london was born, but i've slipped away from it. london is charming and delightful... and not a very good night sleeper. lately, i've been caught rolling over, stuffing the pillow over my head, and pretending that i can't hear her over the monitor. this is not the mom i want to be, and it doesn't set me up for a good day. my best days start when i am the first person up. it's been a good reminder that more sleep does not always equal a better mommy.

+ drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. i mean, seriously. time to grow up and get hydrated. sometimes i make it to the end of the day and think, "oh my gosh! no water! i forgot to drink water!" my sister-in-law gave me a fruit-infusing water bottle of christmas, so that will help!

+ a place for everything and everything in it's place. our house has seen a lot of transition this year. it's my goal that by the end of january, london's room will be her own (it was previously our guest room/home office), and that we will continue to figure out what we really need to have and how to organize it best in a small space.

+ travel. tovi and i love to travel. weekend trips, day trips, international... we love it all. we began planning for a few family trips and also a grown-ups-only trip this summer. aaaaah....

+ discipleship and encouragement. there are a few women that were brought into my life this fall that i have a particular heart to disciple and encourage. i am so thankful for this opportunity to speak some love and encouragement to these wonderful friends.

i know that 2014 will hold surprises; 2013 certainly did, but God is good and faithful, and i can't wait to see how He molds us this year.


  1. You are such an inspiration! You're making me think about adding to my resolutions. Thanks for sharing. xo

    1. You are so sweet! Well back atcha-- your posts about planning and resolutions have really helped me to solidify my goals for the year.

  2. "Time to grow up and get hydrated." This is funny and also: MY LIFE. I need to get a fancy water bottle to inspire me! Love your goals girl, you got this.


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